We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area.

Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Dental And Vision Insurance


Many people have a choice on whether to pay for dental and vision insurance. But as you get older, your eye care and your dental care become more and more important. Snowman & Associates Consulting can help you find the right insurance policy for you. Call us today or join us on Zoom to talk about the right policy for you and your family.

Dental Insurance

Just because you go to the dentist every year and you brush your teeth, does not mean that something won’t happen. Dental insurance can cover everything from a broken tooth from a fall to an annual exam and biannual cleaning. Insurance is there to help you when something unexpected goes wrong. Take advantage of affordable dental coverage with the help of Snowman & Associates Consulting.

Vision Insurance

If you have bad eyesight from the get-go, you are more likely to pay for vision insurance. People who have had 20/20 vision for most of their life might be more inclined to pass. Everyone’s vision will falter at some point. It is very rare that someone who lives to 90 years old will have 20/20 vision. It is better to get your eyes checked annually just to be safe than to get into an accident at night due to bad eyesight. Snowman & Associates Consulting can help you narrow down the possible eyecare policies to find the best one for you.

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